The higher we got, the more nervous I got. This building has been partly torn down for reasons unknown, and through out the buildings there are holes cut in the floor and tons of dangerous stuff, I must admit that I was afraid of the stairs not being able to hold us as we climbed higher.
This was the top. The roof of the building! We didn't go any further than this because of the snow and my gigantic fear of heights--oh and it probably wasn't very safe up there either.
Here we found the old office areas. We didn't go down any further because it was too dark, and I admitted to being scared of the dark.
This scale was the last thing in this building I photographed. Why? Because there one was one single light on. The building is supposed to be dead, no power! We found the first door out and that was the end.
We trudged on over to through the silos and into the loading building-or that's what I thought it was, and these are the last photos of the trip
This is not the end of the abandonment series, I will fill you in on last weekends adventure, and then follow up with the up coming outing, and I hope it will certainly be an exciting one!