Monday, May 31, 2010


My my my......yes I know this happens all the time, I am going to keep up with my blog, blah blah blah, right?  Lately, I haven't even been checking my email regularly--in fact, I just deleted over 500 messages, very un-like me.    So real quickly, I wanted to share these adorable babies first photos--then with any luck and a break in work, I can show you her big brothers photos too.

Here she is, Miss Vayda Raelynn:

She was such a tiny little angel. One day before she turned a month old! The whole family was here and Dad (Matt) was home on leave.
It was a very pleasant day and I really hope they fall in love with these photos as much as I have. There are many more photos to share, and it is my goal to have them done before the week is over! Keep your eyes open for new ones and If you don't see them, don't be afraid to give me a little shove!