Here we go!! You might be thinking why does she keep saying scarlet equals pink? So from the begining. I wanted to buy a new backdrop and I personally like muslin; -it's easy to travel with, easy to clean and light weight, but when you purchase them, they tend to cost a pretty penny. When I was searching the internet trying to find a muslin that I wanted, I found a do it yourself page. Guess what--half the cost to buy muslin from the fabric store--BUT I have to dye it myself.
What could go wrong with that? I've died stuff before. You know, I am sure that I didn't do something right or I should have gotten unbleached muslin, but hey what have I really got to lose? I picked out my color--Scarlet---I do like red. The directions said put it in the so many gallons of water and the Internet directions said to add one cup of salt and boil the water because the hotter the water the better the color, ha! The result:
You can see that I got more pink than scarlet! So I've gotten another bottle of "scarlet" and the resulting color will be the NEW muslin for the studio, which I will share when I get done (hopefully this weekend)!
My little dog Woody modeled on the temporary pink muslin:
Even though my muslin didn't end up being the right color, I got some pretty awesome shots of my little doggy.
Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow so I can tell you about the MOST AMAZING snowmobile trip we just returned from! Stay tuned!