And it was super cute! I didn't make any plans, but we had a good turn out. These are the ones who stood still for the shot, except they all looked down? There was more people on the other side, but they dispersed when I turned around to take a photo!
Of course I didn't have 31 candles, so we just made them worth 10 + 1, which was actually aunt Sarah's idea!
Bob and Leeann got Chuck a pretty cool card, and gave him some of Bobs beer!
After all this, we ate dinner that Chuck made at home and brought with him. We were so full with cake and stuffed noodles! Aunt Sarah made a comment about walking the pier. I am still not sure how we managed to get the guys going but we did! It was the first time I had ever walked out there! I have rode by it on the boat, but never walked it. It looks really far, but it's really not so bad!
Even though it was kind of crowded, it was really peaceful.
At the end of the pier, the waves crash up against the wall and it's pretty awesome!
They are pretty strong and can drag you right in. It's pretty rough at the mouth of the river and the lake, not a place I would like to fall in! That is my son Jaden, he kept saying he was going to get wet, but he kept moving back! Saturday turned out to be a wonderful day!