Last time I was here, I described our trip to Ludington. Here is some of the stuff we seen while we were away.

This is the Ludington lighthouse that I made look like an old photograph.
Here is a HDR version:

Ofcourse we seen way more than this light house, but something that was really cool about this light house was we actually got to go into it

We walked all the way out the break wall and there was a sign that said adults $3 and Children $1. This is the first one we have gotten to go into. Of course it's only the second light house that we have walked too.
So here is the light house up close:

When you walk through the door, there isn't much to look at. The "volunteers" have set up a table and spot for little souvenirs, they take your money which goes toward the up keep of the light house and what not, and they tell you some stories about it, and about how you yourself can be a "volunteer" and you can stay in the lighthouse for a weekend. I couldn't imagine staying in it, but I am sure it would be an experience! There really isn't much inside to see, and as you go up the space shrinks!

Here is a couple of shots that show the view from the top floor. There was four people and a dog up there, and I squeezed up there for a minute and that really took away from the elbow room! I say a second because I am terrified of heights, but I am trying to over come it, at least for photo ops!

This is what it looks like looking up! If you look closely you can see my famous dog! She is in the bag and famous because she got to go all the way up into the lighthouse. We took her out on the walk with us so she could get out for a bit and get some exercise, but when we were on the break wall there wasn't enough room to let her walk on the leash so we put her in my bag, she never complained!

This would be the third floor. This is the floor where the bell or whistle is blown. The signs there talk about how loud it is. There wasn't much inside to photograph, but this gives you a slight idea. Here is looking out the window of the third floor.
Here is the second floor, not much going on here: