I think I have a little touch of OCD. I have a hard time with odd numbers. When I turn up the radio, it has to be on an even number. When I edit photos, any sliders have to be set on an even number. I also like things to be even, for example, if I plant a flower, I have to plant another to mirror it. I prefer things to equal. Silly right? I know, I make fun of myself all the time and I try really hard to stop on odd numbers and I let my husband plant a LONE tree in the middle of the yard (I secretly want to rip it out, but he thinks we have compromised) Now your wondering why do you care? I just wanted to give you a peek into my brain.
As promised, some photos from my recent shoot.
You may remember Roland, I took his picture before he had a baby sister. They are totally leaving for New York at the end of this month and I am going to miss them!
Here you can see Roland is really not feeling a family photo.
and he wasn't feeling it here either.
Dad did get him to smile for me:
You should know that even though Roland is a mama's boy, he loves his daddy:
So to the Labo family, Thank you Roland for smiling for me, thank you Vayda for being so adorable, Thank you Matt for fighting for our country and be safe out there, and A HUGE thanks to Amber for continuing to come to me for her photos! Have a safe trip to New York and visit me when your in MI!!!
For the rest of you stay tuned, I am getting a new lens hopefully tomorrow--and I got a wide angle extension and fish eye extension--there will surely be some new photos just for the fun of it!