Here is a funny thing: I have been avoiding my blog. With the weather changing, kind of, things get pretty busy around here. The lawn mowing company gets really busy in the month of April. Since I hurt my back two months ago, I have not been able to join the mowing crew, but I have been able to take photos.
Oh Yeah, I published a book with all my photographs from the "Abandonment" series, it can be seen and purchased at: it will be on Amazon soon too. This is pretty awesome stuff for me. Even if no one buys a copy I can say I have a book published! Oh enter 9X4CAHND for a special discount! Here is a couple of ones that are in the book, but I can't give them all away!!
Marilyn and Bill got married last weekend, we squeezed in some engagement photos before they got married:
For those of you that don't know Marilyn is my mother-in-law, as well as one of my women of abandonment and my partner in crime when I am I hunting down places to add to the abandonment series!
Yes, it's short, but I am going to tie a string around my finger to remember to post a new blog really SOON!! Maybe tomorrow night!