These were of course taken while at the boat, in Grand Haven. There are these little islands or clumps of grass that are in the middle of the Grand River. There is always some kinds of birds hanging around these areas. Birds are one of my favorite things to take photos of. Maybe because it's such a challenge, I'm not sure. One day, I plan to have an owl in my collection of birds. Back when I was shooting with film, I seen and photographed a bald eagle right here in Hillsdale! Someday I'll have to scan that and get it on here!
Okay my bird book says these are, to the best of bird searching abilities, top to bottom. People around the marina call them wood ducks, but according to Sibley's field guide to birds these look most like a double crested cormorant. Now I could be wrong, so if you know otherwise, please tell me what they are! In the second and third shot, I was aiming for the bird standing there in the back. Now I have always believed it was a white heron , but it seems--according the the field guide--they are rare in these here parts so next best bird with the closest matching description is a great egret. Again, I could be wrong! I did have a shot of a blue heron, but it was flying away from me, so it didn't turn out real great.
There is one more shot to share tonight
Just because!
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