As of Sunday last week, I was supposed to have a photo shoot at 11:00 a.m. today. With no cancellations, I shot(with my camera) two girls at about 11:oo a.m. We had fun, and I finally found some girls brave enough to show some skin and let me post it! After they seen the pictures they had to go. Amber will be heading back to New York next week, hopefully I will get to shoot her again possibly on Monday, with any luck the weather will have a grip on what it is doing and it will finally be warm so we can shoot outside! I don't mind shooting inside, I prefer shooting outside. Here is Amber, isn't she adorable?

Today I finally took my camera outside, and took a couple pix of flowers. The theme for the month is wild flowers, but it is a little early for wild flowers so I might not be shooting too many wild flowers. The flowers I shot today were the buds on my snow cap cherry tree, not exactly wild. Suppose I should explain the "theme" of the month. I belong to a photo club, and we meet once a month and there is a planned theme. Then when we are meeting, we take a vote and pick the best three. Well, maybe I should say we pick the three most favorites amongst the group, everyone turns in great shots.
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