Wednesday, March 23, 2011


As I heal, I thought I would share this experience with everyone and some photos I've been playing with.

Starting before surgery; people keep asking me how I found out I had this ovarian cyst. Suffering from bronchitis and being on antibiotics I thought my internal system had suffered and I was having some lower right abdominal pain. My husband said we should go to the ER and just see what they say, it could be nothing. Ha ha ha! They did a chest X-ray to be sure I didn't have pneumonia.  Lungs were clear!  I did forget a piercing which was pretty funny and now my cousin knows more about me that I am sure she didn't want to know.
That done, they had to determine if I was prego---negative----they decided a CT scan was in order to see how my appendix looked.  The results, my appendix wasn't visible because of the 9.8cm cyst on my ovary.  The lower right abdominal pain was caused by said cyst pushing on my appendix!

Scheduled an appointment with the obgyn, surgery was scheduled for the 16th of March.  This terrified me!  No one could understand why.   Being very independent, and preferring to do stuff on my own, the thought of having another "c-section" did NOT appeal to me.
Diving head first, I decided to finish up my Real Estate Pre-licensing course and get my state exam done!  This would definitely keep my mind off the surgery!   Then we took the snowmobile vacation and I got everything done around the house.

The morning arrived. I showered and followed all the pre surgery requirement, including NO food, NO drinks, NO anything!  Starve and be thirsty!  I get it, I could puke, but come ON!  Getting ready for surgery was very nerve wrenching, I was trying really hard to keep it together and keep a positive attitude.  The funny thing is, I never thought anything would go wrong during surgery, I full heartedly trusted my Doctor, nor did I ever even think that this could turn out to be cancer.  I felt that if it were something so bad, it would have been pointed out by the blood test taken in the beginning.  It was simply the thought of having surgery, and not being able to move around on my own.

I really did love the man who administered the anesthesia, he was so nice and so good about telling me what was going on.  I think he was the reason I ended up getting comfortable.  They shooed my husband out and that's the last thing I really remember after the spinal being administered.

Recovery!  That's when my memory returned!  Although the nurse kept telling me I wouldn't remember and her name was BRENDA!!!  LOL!  I had to wait an hour before they would let me see Chuck, but I held out and stared off into space, and twirled my fingers, was totally amazed that I could NOT feel ANYTHING below my belly button!  This was all new!

A room at last!  You know, one of the nurses that was with me when my son was born was my nurse the first day!  This is where the story takes a turn, the feeling started to return to my legs, slowly and tingly BUT I could not get out of that bed for 12 hours!  It was not a good time for me.  Oh and something made me itch like crazy!  They had to give me allergy medicine.  Now I was really irratable, because I wanted to get out of that bed!  Not going to happen until 2 a.m. they said!  So from that point on I just went to sleep, it was the only way I was going to get through this "laying around time".

I did get up around 4 a.m. b/c the nurse had to come and take my vitals.  At this time I could have a drink.  Things were looking up, and other things were HURTING like crazy!   After a bit of walking around and a few drinks, I slept until 8 and my wonderful Husband arrived just in time to hear the Doctor tell me I could go home if I wanted to!  Um, let me get dressed!  I had planned to stay until Friday, but hey I would much rather be in my own home, even if I couldn't do anything with out help!  Luckly for Chuck and myself, I slept most of that day away, in my own bed.

It's funny what you learn about yourself and your significant other in these situations.  I always knew my husband would always be there for me, I never doubted it, but I didn't realize how much closer we would get.  He was truly worried for my well being.  He wouldn't let me do anything!  NOTHING!  I am more than grateful for him and I have told him daily how much I appreciate him and how he has taken care of me.  Though I am sure he will be glad when I start doing the laundry again, but  I think he secretly likes taking care of me.  Yesterday when I was able to drive, he seemed a little sad about it and reminded me of the "major surgery" I had!
Today it's been a week and though I am still quite sore, I am healing.  Hopefully this will be the beginning of a new and improved body!  I've got my fingers crossed :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

A promise is a promise

Well, now that I am home and staple free as of today, slowly starting to feel better and hurt less--I thought I would go ahead and tell you of the last snowmobile trip of the season.  In my previous blog I did share a couple photos, from the ice shelf on Lake Superior. 
This has to be the most amazing thing. I know it's not super significant, but since I have never seen anything like this, nor had my husband or my son, it made the trip worth it.

Let's start here, snowmobiling is NOT my favorite thing to do. I actually find it very boring, let me tell you why. First, you ride by yourself and talk to yourself, please don't misunderstand; you have a group of people, but you are on your own snowmobile using hand signals unless you stop. Second, it's very easy to get cold. Third the trails can be really rough. Fourth, the towns you stop at, usually miles apart, consist of a bar/restaurant and a gas station, usually not very nice.  Fifth, well I could go on all day as to why I don't like it...but I think everyone gets the point.
Do you want to know why this trip was the best trip ever?
We went all the way up to Newberry in the U.P. The last trip to Newberry, well it wasn't great. This time we arrived right after a snow storm which made for wonderful trails.
It was also really cool when you were riding down the trail and there was snow as high as you! When we were stopped, I stepped off the trail to take this photo
and the snow was up past my knees!
The whole time I was riding, I kept thinking I can not wait to blog a bout this trip! The trails were smooth, the snow was piled up and the tree stumps looked like mushroom because of the giant piles of snow on top of them. It was beautiful!  As many times as I have been snowmobiling, this trip will always be remembered, with the smooth like butta trails and the ice shelfs!  Oh it was the first time I got to go snowmobiling with my son too! 

More photos:


This blog should have been done sooner, like right after I got off the snowmobile, so you would have been able to feel my excitement, but like I said, I will never forget this trip.
Until next time friends!