Thursday, October 8, 2009

Space Center

So we stayed on Cape Canaveral while we were in Florida.  Well you have to go to the Kennedy space center if you stay there.  Most of what we seen was on a bus so some of these shots are taken from inside the bus.
This building is seen from a bus, you have to have special permission or work for NASA to get passed the gates, so this shot is on the bus. This building is where they build the rocket.
One building you stop at has a movie you get to watch and this was painted one of the walls, then you get to walk through a museum area.
I got to touch the moon!!
We rode it! It's not what you expect! There was tons more that we seen while we were there, It actually took a good portion of the day. This is the stuff I wanted to share!
Now if you don't know, the land around NASA is all wild life area, there are signs that tell you "give em a break" for the animals! Anyway, we were in one of the museums and these birds are all over, but they liked this building:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Some beaches

We spent a lot of time on the beach while we were in Florida.  Not just getting our car stuck but doing some swimming and collecting shells.  Here are some of my shots:

And the coolest thing we seen while we were out on the beach:
Pelicans were circling around, catching fish and sometimes diving right into the water and coming out with their catch. I could go back to the beach everyday!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Creepy crawlies

Our resort hosted this non-profit animal/critter showing
I said NO!
I said NO again!
There was a lot of snakes, and they had alligators, which were so cute to hold, as long as their mouths were taped shut! But their bellies were soft and warm, made you want to just cuddle them up, but only as long as their mouths were taped!
Even though it was a small show that claimed there was going to wild jungle animals, it was very informational, we learned about lot about gators, and skunks and opossums, and the spiders and scorpions as well!